This page shows a possible template to describe the activity.
The form is divided into three parts Presentation, Description, and Reflexions and resources.
1. Presentation
- Title
- One sentence summary
- Picture
- Authors and affiliation
- Time to run activity
- Number of participants: provide the range of participant this activity could be done with.
- Number of facilitator: provide the number of facilitators that are needed for this activity per numeber of participants.
- Main Goal: in three words, what should participants learn from this activity?
- Proknowledge: which topics/skills should particopnts master to successfully participate in the acticity?
- Easiness for facilitator: on the scale of 1 to 5 how difficult/demanding is the activity for an instructor (1=very easy, 5=very hard)?
- Easiness for participant: on the scale of 1 to 5 how difficult/demanding the activity is for participants (1+very easy, 5=very hard)?
- Cost: describe the cost of the activity in terms of materials, devices that are necessary to run
- Approximate time to prepare the activity
- Approximate time to run the activity
- Approximate time after the activity
2. Description
An activity is preseted in three main phases:
- preparation of the activity (what should be done before),
- running the activity (What should be done during, for the participants and facilitators), and
- Preparation instruction: explain how to setup the room, where to position the tools.
- Material checklist: provide a checklist for every material necessary for the activity and the quantity required.
- Tips for a large audience (if any)
- Tips for a small audience (if any)
- Tips for fun: if you have any tips relative to a variation that could make this activity funnier
- Online resources: if you have websites or any other resources that could be of any help for the organizers
The activity description should be presented as a step by step process, similar to a cookbook recipe.
Each step corresponds to an instruction for the facilitator and/or the participants.
It is important to make the instruction as clear as possible for everyone to feel comfortable running the activity by themselves.
For each step in your activity, repeat the following:
- Step number (1, 2, 3… )
- Step title
- Step time: provide the time dedicated to these steps, it could be in minutes or hours.
- Step instruction/description: provide a description of 500 to 1000 characters presenting what should be done by the activity facilitator and by the participants.
- comments: add comments about what to take care and possible modifications.
3. Example of productions:
This section should present examples of outputs that have been created by participants with this activity. Were possible. provide high definition pictures of the activity as well as its outcomes.
- Pictures of production: try to find descriptive photos, and close up photos of the work you want to describe.
- Caption descriptions: including, what the piece represent when the piece have been done, and who did it.
- Short text presenting some anecdotes on work
4. Assessment
If your activity finishes with an assignment (e.g., as part of a classroom exercise), say how you assess the outcomes of this activity.
5. Reflexion and conclusion:
Provide some personal reflection, notes, and insights you obtained from this activity and that may help evolving and adapting this activity.
- Reflexion and conclusion section
- Specific materials overview
- Material s figures