
Topics & Submission
Program Committee
2020 workshop

CG&A Special Issue on Visualization Education and Teaching Visualization Literacy


This page shows a possible template to describe the activity. The form is divided into three parts Presentation, Description, and Reflexions and resources.

1. Presentation

2. Description

An activity is preseted in three main phases:



The activity description should be presented as a step by step process, similar to a cookbook recipe. Each step corresponds to an instruction for the facilitator and/or the participants. It is important to make the instruction as clear as possible for everyone to feel comfortable running the activity by themselves.

For each step in your activity, repeat the following:

3. Example of productions:

This section should present examples of outputs that have been created by participants with this activity. Were possible. provide high definition pictures of the activity as well as its outcomes.

4. Assessment

If your activity finishes with an assignment (e.g., as part of a classroom exercise), say how you assess the outcomes of this activity.

5. Reflexion and conclusion:

Provide some personal reflection, notes, and insights you obtained from this activity and that may help evolving and adapting this activity.